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INDIANFIRE 61f008ed5a7b9500015432d7 Products
Fire Alarm & Detecti
Fire Alarm & Detecti

Fire Alarms System Contractor

COD available


Product details

Fire Alarm & Detection System is an electrical system that is installed in a building as a protective measure against fire. At the time of the fire, it sounds an alarm when actuated by a fire-detection system. There are 3types of Alarm system that is  addressable fire alarm system, talk back fire alarm system, and manual fire alarm system is more advanced than conventional systems. And offers a larger scope of programming flexibility, with each device in the system having its own individual address and specific location. Fire alarm relays can be used to control a wide range of building functions. The addressable fire alarm system is the most modern type of system and its components have individual unique identifiers.  When one of the system’s components initiates, it indicates the component’s address on the fire alarm panel. 

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