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INDIANFIRE 61f008ed5a7b9500015432d7 Products
Automatic ABC Dry Ch
Automatic ABC Dry Ch

Automatic Modular Type Fire Extinguishers

COD available


Product details

Automatic ABC Dry Chemical Powder or Clean Agent Gas & other gaseous Fire Extinguishers is a technological break through that provides automatic fire protection for electrical and electronic flammable liquid and variety of other risks. Auto Safe is an Automatic Extinguisher, which does not require any external source of power to operate. It can be utilized for local applications or total flooding ofhazards. The Modular type Extinguisher is based on Sprinkler technology. Unlike the Sprinkler, the Nozzle is Gas-tight. The release temperature can be adjusted to suit prevailing conditions. This Extinguishers are most ideal for protection of computer area, ATM Center, server room, fuel and flammable liquid storage, oil fill-in stations, transformers, automobile garages, marine engines, paint and varnish booths, welding benches, domestic gas Storage’s particularlyfor hotels etc, and where water damage can not be tolerated.

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