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INDIANFIRE 61f008ed5a7b9500015432d7 Products
  • 2022-05-23T05:07:43

HYDRANT SYSTEM • • Design and Installation of Fire Pump House • Fire Hydrant Stand post Hose Reels • Hose Box with Hose Pipe and Branch Pipe • Water and Foam Monitors • Foam Chambers • Dry and Wet Risers The Fire Hydrant System complies with the highest standards in quality and is widely-appreciated for its efficiency and reliability. The Water Fire Hydrant System is well-renowned and no comparable alternative is available in terms of dependability and performance. Customers are put totally at ease with the easy availability of the Fire Hydrant System and its multiple salient features. Salient Features: Matching Every Requirement • Fights fire with water, globally recognized as the quickest and the most effective firefighting method • Is used mainly in high-rise buildings, commercial plazas and residential complexes, as well as in inflammable goods industries, chemical plants and oil refineries, where fire cannot be fought externally • Uses the Wet Riser system which carries pressurized water through the entire structure and relies on effective outlets like First Aid Hose Reel and Hydrant Valve on each floor • Integrates procedures and practices which are recognized as statutory requirement for obtaining NOC from the Fire Brigade Hydrant system consists of a system of pipe work connected directly to the fire water tank through the fire pump to provide water to each and every hydrant outlet and is intended to provide water for the firemen to fight a fire. The pump house consists of three pumps 1) Main Pump 2) Diesel Pump 3) Jockey pump The diesel pump is provided in case the main pump fails. The jockey pump is a low capacity pump provided to maintain the water pressure. •

HYDRANT SYSTEM • • Design and Installation of Fire Pump House • Fire Hydrant Stand post Hose Reels • Hose Box with Hose Pipe and Branch Pipe • Water and Foam Monitors • Foam Chambers • Dry and Wet Risers The Fire Hydrant System complies with the highest standards in quality and is widely-appreciated for its efficiency and reliability. The Water Fire Hydrant System is well-renowned and no comparable alternative is available in terms of dependability and performance. Customers are put totally at ease with the easy availability of the Fire Hydrant System and its multiple salient features. Salient Features: Matching Every Requirement • Fights fire with water, globally recognized as the quickest and the most effective firefighting method • Is used mainly in high-rise buildings, commercial plazas and residential complexes, as well as in inflammable goods industries, chemical plants and oil refineries, where fire cannot be fought externally • Uses the Wet Riser system which carries pressurized water through the entire structure and relies on effective outlets like First Aid Hose Reel and Hydrant Valve on each floor • Integrates procedures and practices which are recognized as statutory requirement for obtaining NOC from the Fire Brigade Hydrant system consists of a system of pipe work connected directly to the fire water tank through the fire pump to provide water to each and every hydrant outlet and is intended to provide water for the firemen to fight a fire. The pump house consists of three pumps 1) Main Pump 2) Diesel Pump 3) Jockey pump The diesel pump is provided in case the main pump fails. The jockey pump is a low capacity pump provided to maintain the water pressure. •

  • 2022-05-23T05:07:43

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