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INDIANFIRE 61f008ed5a7b9500015432d7 Products
  • 2022-05-20T11:02:29

FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS Purpose of Fire Alarm Systems A properly designed, installed, operated, and maintained fire alarm system can reduce the losses associated with an unwanted fire in any building. These losses include property and, more importantly, human life. The primary motivation for fire alarm system requirements in building and fire codes is to provide early notification to building occupants so they can exit the building, and to notify the fire service so it can respond to the fire. In settings such as hospitals the fire alarm system provides notification to staff so they can respond to the fire emergency (as opposed to evacuating the building). This module will explain the basic features of fire alarm systems and the inspection of these systems. It should be noted that fire alarm systems also are called "protective signaling systems, " especially in NFPA documents and in other codes and standards. Types of Fire Alarm Systems In 1993 the National Fire Protection Association incorporated all of the existing 72 series standards into one standard that also included NFPA 71. This new standard is titled NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code. Fire alarm systems can be designed and configured to meet the requirements of local fire codes. In addition to the basic features or components common to most fire alarm systems, there are several "types" of fire alarm systems. These are described here (with a reference to the standard prior to being incorporated into NFPA 72) Local Protective Signaling System This type of fire alarm is contained entirely within the building which it services. The main purpose of this type of system is to provide an evacuation alarm for occupants of that building. The system need not be connected by any means to the fire service. Therefore, notification of the fire service can occur only if someone hearing the evacuation alarm calls and reports the fire alarm. This is the most common type of fire alarm and was covered previously in NFPA 72A, now part of NFPA 72.

FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS Purpose of Fire Alarm Systems A properly designed, installed, operated, and maintained fire alarm system can reduce the losses associated with an unwanted fire in any building. These losses include property and, more importantly, human life. The primary motivation for fire alarm system requirements in building and fire codes is to provide early notification to building occupants so they can exit the building, and to notify the fire service so it can respond to the fire. In settings such as hospitals the fire alarm system provides notification to staff so they can respond to the fire emergency (as opposed to evacuating the building). This module will explain the basic features of fire alarm systems and the inspection of these systems. It should be noted that fire alarm systems also are called "protective signaling systems, " especially in NFPA documents and in other codes and standards. Types of Fire Alarm Systems In 1993 the National Fire Protection Association incorporated all of the existing 72 series standards into one standard that also included NFPA 71. This new standard is titled NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code. Fire alarm systems can be designed and configured to meet the requirements of local fire codes. In addition to the basic features or components common to most fire alarm systems, there are several "types" of fire alarm systems. These are described here (with a reference to the standard prior to being incorporated into NFPA 72) Local Protective Signaling System This type of fire alarm is contained entirely within the building which it services. The main purpose of this type of system is to provide an evacuation alarm for occupants of that building. The system need not be connected by any means to the fire service. Therefore, notification of the fire service can occur only if someone hearing the evacuation alarm calls and reports the fire alarm. This is the most common type of fire alarm and was covered previously in NFPA 72A, now part of NFPA 72.

  • 2022-05-20T11:02:29

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