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INDIANFIRE 61f008ed5a7b9500015432d7 Products
  • 2022-05-12T03:39:03

Fire Detection Systems Conventional Addressable Intelligent Fire Alarm Panels Workstations. Addressable Ionization Smoke Detectors, Optical Smoke Detectors, Optical Beam Detectors, Heat Detectors, Multi- Sensor Detectors, Flame Detectors, Video, LPG Gas Detectors, H2S Detectors, Manual Call Points, Alarm Bells, Sounders, Water Leak Detection System, and all forms of passive fire protection. Fire Suppression System Fire Suppression Systems Fm200, NAF 227ea, NAF S125, Inergen, Novec1230/FK, Argonite, Argon, Aerosol. Foam Based Fire Suppression System, Water Based Fire Suppression System Water Mist, Hydrants, Sprinklers, Deluge System Wet Chemical Kitchen hood Systems. Dry Mist Suppression system. Tube Technology Suppression System Fire Extinguishers Ozone Friendly Clean Agent Fire Extinguishers. ISI Marked ABC Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher, Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers, Water Type Fire Extinguishers, Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishers, Mechanical Foam, Water Mist, AFFF Foam Fire Extinguishers ACCESS CONTROL AND SECURITY SOLUTIONS Security Management Systems Access Control biometric systems, Site Access Barriers, Time Attendance Systems, Intrusion Detection and Alarm Systems, Long Range Sirens, Vehicle Tracking and Security Service Support, Guard Tour System, Metal Detectors hand held and pass through. Risk Management and Training In association with VELOSI, we provide fire and security risk assessment, as well as Health Safety training and training on the use of first responder fire fighting equipments. Fire Hydrant System Hydrant system consists of a system of pipe work connected directly to the fire water tank through the fire pump to provide water to each and every hydrant outlet and is intended to provide water for the firemen to fight a fire. ABC Stored Pressure ABC Cartridge & amp; Stored Pressure BC Stored Pressure And Cartridge Type Clean Agent Co2 Type Kitchen Type (Class K) Mechanical Foam Type Modular Type Water Foam Type Carbon Dioxide Type (Co2) Dry Chemical Powder ABC Type Dry Chemical Powder BC Type Foam / Water Based Type Suppression System Automatic Fire Suppression System For Vehicle Automatic Fire Suppression System For Electrical Panel/Server Room Gased Based Fire Suppression System NOVEC - 1230/FK 5-1-12 Gased Based Fire Suppression System Kitchen hood Wet Chemical Based Suppression system Fire Hydrant Autometic Sprinkler Cool CP Hose Double Outlet Landing Velve Hose Reel Drum Inlet FBC / Breeching Instantaneous Male/Female Type Coupling Oblique Type Landing Valve RRL Hose Short Branch Pipe With Nozzle Water / Foam Monitor

Fire Detection Systems Conventional Addressable Intelligent Fire Alarm Panels Workstations. Addressable Ionization Smoke Detectors, Optical Smoke Detectors, Optical Beam Detectors, Heat Detectors, Multi- Sensor Detectors, Flame Detectors, Video, LPG Gas Detectors, H2S Detectors, Manual Call Points, Alarm Bells, Sounders, Water Leak Detection System, and all forms of passive fire protection. Fire Suppression System Fire Suppression Systems Fm200, NAF 227ea, NAF S125, Inergen, Novec1230/FK, Argonite, Argon, Aerosol. Foam Based Fire Suppression System, Water Based Fire Suppression System Water Mist, Hydrants, Sprinklers, Deluge System Wet Chemical Kitchen hood Systems. Dry Mist Suppression system. Tube Technology Suppression System Fire Extinguishers Ozone Friendly Clean Agent Fire Extinguishers. ISI Marked ABC Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher, Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers, Water Type Fire Extinguishers, Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishers, Mechanical Foam, Water Mist, AFFF Foam Fire Extinguishers ACCESS CONTROL AND SECURITY SOLUTIONS Security Management Systems Access Control biometric systems, Site Access Barriers, Time Attendance Systems, Intrusion Detection and Alarm Systems, Long Range Sirens, Vehicle Tracking and Security Service Support, Guard Tour System, Metal Detectors hand held and pass through. Risk Management and Training In association with VELOSI, we provide fire and security risk assessment, as well as Health Safety training and training on the use of first responder fire fighting equipments. Fire Hydrant System Hydrant system consists of a system of pipe work connected directly to the fire water tank through the fire pump to provide water to each and every hydrant outlet and is intended to provide water for the firemen to fight a fire. ABC Stored Pressure ABC Cartridge & amp; Stored Pressure BC Stored Pressure And Cartridge Type Clean Agent Co2 Type Kitchen Type (Class K) Mechanical Foam Type Modular Type Water Foam Type Carbon Dioxide Type (Co2) Dry Chemical Powder ABC Type Dry Chemical Powder BC Type Foam / Water Based Type Suppression System Automatic Fire Suppression System For Vehicle Automatic Fire Suppression System For Electrical Panel/Server Room Gased Based Fire Suppression System NOVEC - 1230/FK 5-1-12 Gased Based Fire Suppression System Kitchen hood Wet Chemical Based Suppression system Fire Hydrant Autometic Sprinkler Cool CP Hose Double Outlet Landing Velve Hose Reel Drum Inlet FBC / Breeching Instantaneous Male/Female Type Coupling Oblique Type Landing Valve RRL Hose Short Branch Pipe With Nozzle Water / Foam Monitor

  • 2022-05-12T03:39:03


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