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INDIANFIRE 61f008ed5a7b9500015432d7 Products
  • 2022-04-06T13:33:40

Annual Maintenance Contract (Comprehensive & amp; Non Comprehensive basis). Fire Audit & amp; Health check-up AMC (ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS) Since five years at Pan India level, we have been working on Industrial and Commercial establishment of AMC. For all the types of fire protection system we provide Annual Maintenance Service. With a team of qualified, passionate, dedicated and experienced engineers we ensure to provide best services to our clients. From handling, monitoring to protecting the system; we provide all round facilities to our customers. The errors are corrected as soon as they are spotted, leaving no space for any system failure. Comprehensive AMC This far-reaching AMC service incorporates Preventive\ Precautionary maintenance services that safeguard all the installed systems. It also comprises spare parts replacement against manufacturing defects except the consumables. Non-Comprehensive AMC The only difference in this service is that the spare parts and consumables are charged at the prevailing prices. Other than this it provides all the Preventive\ Precautionary maintenance services that safeguard all the installed systems. Few Highlights \ Points to consider Preventive\ Precautionary maintenance service boosts longevity of the equipment. Agreements with regional Fire safety and Insurance requirements. AMC SERVICES SCOPE Fire Alarm & amp; Detection System Fire Extinguishers Fire Hydrant System Fire Sprinkler System Fire Suppression System Passive Fire Protection System Fire Fighting Training Mock Drills CCTV Access Control System Public Address System Training and Mock-Up Drills Awareness is the first step towards safety and so we provide fire dispute training and mock drills which has first aid and firefighting training and fire removal procedure. Fire Drills / Evacuation Procedures It is important to be aware and well prepared for emergency times. Fire drills mock ups once a year, prepare and enable you to save your life and of others in case of fire emergency. Fire Safety Plan Owner of the building designs this plan responsibly, completely and accurately to create precautionary safety guidelines in case of fire emergency. Fire Prevention Services Safety Codes Inspections. Fire Investigations. Public Awareness and Education. Building Codes Plans Review. Fire Safety Training. Wild land Urban Interface Planning. FIRE SAFETY AUDITS An inspection by the fire safety inspectors to confirm the proper fire safety measure management in and around the business premises whether residential or non-residential, is Fire Safety Audit. We also undertake Fire Audit and Health Safety of Occupants and Fire Protection System. We have conducted various Fire Audits for industrial and commercial sector at PAN India level under the guidance of our technical advisor Mr. Nalin Chaudhary who has 15 years of experience in this. Some of them are;

Annual Maintenance Contract (Comprehensive & amp; Non Comprehensive basis). Fire Audit & amp; Health check-up AMC (ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS) Since five years at Pan India level, we have been working on Industrial and Commercial establishment of AMC. For all the types of fire protection system we provide Annual Maintenance Service. With a team of qualified, passionate, dedicated and experienced engineers we ensure to provide best services to our clients. From handling, monitoring to protecting the system; we provide all round facilities to our customers. The errors are corrected as soon as they are spotted, leaving no space for any system failure. Comprehensive AMC This far-reaching AMC service incorporates Preventive\ Precautionary maintenance services that safeguard all the installed systems. It also comprises spare parts replacement against manufacturing defects except the consumables. Non-Comprehensive AMC The only difference in this service is that the spare parts and consumables are charged at the prevailing prices. Other than this it provides all the Preventive\ Precautionary maintenance services that safeguard all the installed systems. Few Highlights \ Points to consider Preventive\ Precautionary maintenance service boosts longevity of the equipment. Agreements with regional Fire safety and Insurance requirements. AMC SERVICES SCOPE Fire Alarm & amp; Detection System Fire Extinguishers Fire Hydrant System Fire Sprinkler System Fire Suppression System Passive Fire Protection System Fire Fighting Training Mock Drills CCTV Access Control System Public Address System Training and Mock-Up Drills Awareness is the first step towards safety and so we provide fire dispute training and mock drills which has first aid and firefighting training and fire removal procedure. Fire Drills / Evacuation Procedures It is important to be aware and well prepared for emergency times. Fire drills mock ups once a year, prepare and enable you to save your life and of others in case of fire emergency. Fire Safety Plan Owner of the building designs this plan responsibly, completely and accurately to create precautionary safety guidelines in case of fire emergency. Fire Prevention Services Safety Codes Inspections. Fire Investigations. Public Awareness and Education. Building Codes Plans Review. Fire Safety Training. Wild land Urban Interface Planning. FIRE SAFETY AUDITS An inspection by the fire safety inspectors to confirm the proper fire safety measure management in and around the business premises whether residential or non-residential, is Fire Safety Audit. We also undertake Fire Audit and Health Safety of Occupants and Fire Protection System. We have conducted various Fire Audits for industrial and commercial sector at PAN India level under the guidance of our technical advisor Mr. Nalin Chaudhary who has 15 years of experience in this. Some of them are;

  • 2022-04-06T13:33:40

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